Purite cylinder exchange concept
If you require purified water with low expenditure, then the Purite Cylinder Exchange Voucher Service is for you.
Simply purchase the required cylinder for your purified water needs. When the cylinder is exhausted, e-mail your purchase order or pre-paid voucher to our team.
Our carrier will then collect your exhausted cylinder and return it to us. We then regenerate your cylinder and return it to you. The whole process takes approximately 7 working days. If you cannot be without a cylinder during the exchange process, we recommend you have a stand-by cylinder in place to minimise down-time to your process.
Easy to use
Cylinders can be supplied with all the fittings necessary for easy connection to a mains or process water supply.
All models have been designed for ease of use including:
- Colour coded cylinder heads for easy identification
- Quick and easy release system making cylinder connection simple
- Transit plugs to ensure that ports are kept clean and there is no spillage during transport
- Air bleed valve to purge cylinders prior to use
- High efficiency internal pipework for maximum capacity
- Optional-post cylinder filtration.

Discover sustainable options and save money with…
Purite’s Voucher Exchange System: Sustainable demineralisation media usage
Discover Purite’s voucher exchange scheme for demineralisation media to opt for a greener, more sustainable solution that reduces costs and protects the environment by reducing our customer’s carbon footprint and waste to landfill by the reuse of demineralisation media by regeneration, breathing new life into what would otherwise been waste to landfill.
As a leading provider of water treatment solutions, Purite is dedicated to introducing sustainable practices that positively impact on both your operations and the environment.
Benefits include:
- Sustainability:
By choosing to regenerate and reuse demineralisation media, it’s a conscious proactive decision to contribute to waste reduction and environmental protection. - Cost-efficiency:
With the exchange scheme, you save on the costs of purchasing new media and disposal costs of used media. - Consistent performance:
Our state-of-the-art regeneration process ensures the media retains its effectiveness, providing consistent, high-quality treated water. - Ease and convenience:
Our concept is designed to be simple and user-friendly, providing our customers an efficient hassle-free experience.
Please contact our customer service team to arrange on 01844 217 141 or vtc.vwts.puritemail.all@veolia.com