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Purite extends bench top water purification range for labs

In the fast-paced world of scientific research, reliable access to high quality purified water is essential for a wide range of applications.
Purite has launched an ultra-compact satellite dispenser providing ultrapure water directly at your lab workstation for use in a wide range of laboratory applications. The Purite Remote Dispenser can be conveniently and discreetly positioned anywhere on a bench saving valuable lab space and can be easily repositioned as lab layout evolves. It allows access to high quality water eliminating the need to reach out to the main RO system.

Currently compatible with Purite’s flagship Fusion water purification unit, and compatibility with the Purite Analyst and HP to be offered soon, the dispenser has been designed with multiple ergonomic and practical features along with versatile installation, storage and dispensing options, all helping improve efficiency, convenience and productivity for lab staff.

Reach is up to 5 metres from the main water purification system and integrated UV LED ensures microbiological inactivation at the point of dispense.

The remote dispenser is the latest addition to our portfolio of bench-top water purification systems, all providing the highest levels of water quality, consistency and reliability, with low operating and maintenance costs.

purite remote dispenser

The importance of good quality water in labs

Water is used in almost every aspect of a lab’s operation from simple washing of glassware and feed water for lab equipment to preparing solutions for specialist experiments. Water in a lab is indispensable and high-quality water is critical.

However, water generally requires adequate treatment to bring it up to the quality necessary to avoid contamination which can have significant negative consequences for the success and accuracy of diagnostics, as well as the operating efficiency of analytical instruments.

Regardless of the application, from basic glass washing to sophisticated procedures such as ion chromatography and monoclonal antibody research, it is essential for laboratory staff to be confident of the precise quality or purity of every water sample – anything less will introduce uncertainty into subsequent testing and analyses, potentially rendering results inaccurate, wasting time and adding to laboratory costs.

Work with the experts

Purite specialises in the design, development and manufacture of advanced, high performance laboratory water purification systems.

Each system is designed to provide the exact purity and volume of water required based on the quality of the feedwater and the nature of the application while also meeting storage and distribution requirements.

You can find out more about our wide range of laboratory solutions.

Some of our laboratory applications

University of Edinburgh

As the preferred supplier, we provided 45 water purification units to the University of Edinburgh. The units are installed across all departments for use in a wide range of laboratory applications, including glassware rinsing, media preparation, reagent make-up, high performance liquid chromatography and life sciences.

University of Wolverhampton

At the University of Wolverhampton, we worked alongside contractor Lorne Stewart to install our Integra 200E centralised reverse osmosis and electro-deionisation system in the new molecular biology building.

The system feeds multiple ring mains on five floors of the building, with water distributed via 1,000 metres plus of piping. For the Ultra-Pure water applications, we also supplied 30 Neptune polishing deionisers.

University of Strathclyde

Working alongside contractor Balfour Beatty, we supplied the University of Strathclyde with 30 laboratory water purification units for its new biomedical sciences building. The contractor chose to have individual units situated in all labs throughout five floors rather than a centralised system.

This produced the benefit of an enhanced financial package, as well as independence to all of the separate labs. The purified water is used in a variety of applications, including glassware rinsing, media preparation, reagent make-up, high performance liquid chromatography and life sciences.

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